
产品经理,流体连接器 15-30k
深圳-宝安区 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 子女福利 发展空间大 扁平管理 技能培训
刘女士 一周前在线 已认证
Role Summary: Leader of liquid cooling product lines. The candidate will oversee the product strategy, launch of new products and deployment. The candidate will be accountable for the liquid cooling P&L in APAC region and to lead corresponding strategic initiatives. The candidate can bring a growth-oriented mindset, excellent commercial acumen and entrepreneurship, and a hands-on working style. The role will appeal to those with aspirations for further personal and career development, as ITT APAC seeks to enhance the product management functions and is investing heavily on the liquid cooling segment. The successful candidate will be part of the Product Management team and will report to the Product Management Manager. The role will be based in Shenzhen or Shanghai. Main Responsibilities / Tasks: 1. Own financial execution for the regional liquid cooling product P&L including bookings, billings, gross margin, and operational expenses needed to support product line growth 2. Articulate market trends, demand drivers, customer needs, industry trends, and competitive landscape and define roadmap strategy for liquid cooling 3. Define, prepare, and deploy product launch and ensure speedy time to market 4. Partner with the APAC sales team to strengthen the commercial cadence and execution to accelerate top-line growth and support execution in the field 5. Develop relationships with the major direct customers and key distribution partners for the region 6. Work closely with product engineers, operation team to drive the operational excellence and innovation, and actively participate in global product management network 7. Comply with ESH policy and procedure, implement ESH responsibilities, carry out ESH activities, keep all operations in line with ESH requirements and deliver ESH performance; Qualifications/Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree in mechanical, engineering, electronics (Non-computer major); 2. 5-10 years of experience in Connector product management or development with strong engineering background; 3. Patient, responsible, hardworking and diligent; 4. Able to build strong and deep customer relationships ; 5. Exhibits a strong ‘can-do’ attitude; 6. Good communication skills;


关于ITT集团 ITT公司成立于1920年,总部设在美国纽约州白滩市(White Plains),在世界各地超过35个国家拥有大约9200名员工,产品在超过125个国家进行销售。作为一家跨国的企业集团,ITT着眼于全球战略与持续的增长需要,日益重视在亚太区的发展并不断加大在亚太区的投资。 关于ITT亚太区 ITT亚太区成立于2019年,在中国、韩国、日本、东南亚和澳大利亚/新西兰等国家用过大约1300名员工。我们的业务分为三个价值中心,运动技术、工业流程和连接与控制技术,多元化的产品覆盖各行各业。 位于无锡的埃梯梯公司,拥有产品减振器和刹车片的智能制造工厂和创新研发中心,分别在轨交行业和汽车行业处于技术和市场优势地位;同时销售工业缓冲器、压力开关和气缸等产品。 位于常熟的沃富润公司,产品主要为消音片和密封垫,为汽车制动系统提供专业的噪音处理技术。 位于深圳的埃梯梯公司,主要产品为连接与控制技术,生产各类连接器和导电橡胶键,产品应用于航空航天、医疗器械、电动汽车等行业。 位于上海的流体控制和泵业公司,主要产品为工业泵和阀门,流体技术公司服务的主要市场包括水与污水处理、建筑业、工业以及生物/制药业。 kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口的文化 ITT正在发扬多样性、公平性和包容性的DEI文化。我们致力于培养多元化和包容性的全球团队,重视每一个员工的观点,培养创新和创业思维,吸引和留住***的人才。 多样性Diversity:代表我们所有不同的身份和差异; 公平性Equity:人人享受公平对待,平等获得信息和资源的机会; 包容性Inclusion:通过积极邀请每一个人参与来获得归属感,并感受到受欢迎、受尊重、受支持和受重视。 加入我们 欢迎加入我们的ITT全球团队,在这里您将收获充满激情和挑战的工作平台,多元化的广阔视野;体验包容开放的文化氛围;享受与全球优秀同事的思维碰撞,激发我们无尽的潜能。 Join us,让我们一起探索、发现、成长! Together, we can achieve more. ITT: Innovation, Technology & Talent.


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