
法律顾问 15-25k·14薪
北京-顺义区 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 年度旅游 节日礼物 定期体检 国际化管理 带薪年假 补充商业保险 人才公寓 定期调薪
  • 合规管理
职责描述: 1. 工厂的基础设施项目的法律风险分析及建议,审核EPC和设备采购协议; 2. 负责起草、审核和谈判商务合同,如经销商协议、客户协议、采购协议、保密协议和其他法律文件。 3. 在与商业交易、雇佣问题和合规相关的业务活动中提供法律咨询并控制风险。 4. 有效管理索赔和纠纷,提供以实践为导向的解决方案,保护公司利益。 5. 协助执行公司的出口合规事务;制定实施出口合规政策和流程,以确保公司符合所有适用的法律法规,如EAR、OFAC制裁规则、中国出口管制法等; 6. 提供法律相关的培训。 7. 其他分配的法律工作。 任职要求: 1. 中国或海外的法学学士/法学硕士; 2. 获准在中国执业; 3. 至少6年的企业、商业和劳动法律实践经验,有半导体行业经验者优先; 4. 英语可为工作语言; 5. 正直、高度负责、细致、上进,并具有团队精神;能积极主动的独立工作; 6. 能够在快节奏的环境中进行多任务处理,应对压力并在规定的期限内完成工作; 7. 有能力处理和解决复杂问题,提供战略性的解决方案; 8. 具备业务思维; 9. 具备良好的沟通能力,能够与不同部门的同事沟通合作。 福利待遇: 1. 提供有竞争力的薪酬,定期调薪、年终奖; 2. 法定年假、福利年假、全薪病假; 3. 足额缴纳五险一金,增加商业补充保险(含医疗险、意外险、重疾险、寿险) 4. 全方位福利保障(人才公寓、公租房、节日礼物、年度Outing、健康体检、通讯补贴等)


WeEn Semiconductors Co. Ltd.is the global joint venture between NXP Semiconductors B.V. and Beijing JianGuang Asset Management Co. Ltd. (JAC Capital). The company’s holding is registered in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province. Business operations officially began in January 2016 and the operational headquarters located in Shanghai and the company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries and branches including: the front-end fabrication in Jilin, north east China, the warehouse and distribution center in Hong Kong and research and development centers in Shanghai and Manchester, UK. WeEn also has sales offices set up and customer service access throughout the world. In Sep 2018, WeEn has also opened its new, in-house, reliability and failure analysis laboratory in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. With a heritage of over 50 years, WeEn is a key player in the semiconductor industry and has focused on developing a wide and deep portfolio of industry-leading bipolar power products including thyristors - consisting of silicon controlled rectifiers and triacs -, silicon power diodes, high voltage transistors and silicon carbide diodes. All these products are widely used in the markets for telecommunications, computers, consumer electronics, intelligent home appliances, lighting, automotive and power management applications. The aim is to help our customers achieve higher cost efficiency and production efficiency and to contribute to the development of China and global intelligent manufacturing.


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