
Android Developer, System, UI, Launcher/安卓开发工程师,车机系统,交互方向 (MJ001362) 薪资面议
上海-嘉定区 5-10年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 餐费补贴 通讯津贴 领导好 发展空间大 扁平管理 弹性工作
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Talent Acquisition Specialist · 沃尔沃汽车中国
What you will do? As an Android speech app Developer, you will be part of a scrum team together with product owners, system software engineers and UX designers. You will be responsible for speech application development base on Android Automotive OS (called “AAOS”), and you will work closely with partners during development and leverage the partner SDK/API capabilities to deliver the top-class speech assistant user experience for China market. Focus on speech APPs and services implementation on AAOS, especially on Infotainment Head Unit. Keep following the iteration of AAOS, to be specialist of AAOS in China market and realize integration of speech assistant to AAOS based platform SW. Keep following the market and technology trend in speech and AI domain, apply modern speech app architecture and development pattern for in-car speech app development. Be part of technology innovation and coordinate software system architecture. Contribute ideas and hands on implementation of quick prototypes. Be the 1st gate of trouble shooter of the AAOS product. Why do you fit the profile? You are experienced with agile development and a champion of software development best practices. Served as an Android speech app developer, design and implement Android speech APP and services on standard Android. Working experience in OEMs or tier1 on Android based infotainment system is preferred. Knowledge or experience about APP and service developing on other platforms (e.g. Linux, iOS) is a plus. Solid knowledge of Android framework, speech software architecture and popular design patterns. Strong understanding of multiple languages programming - at least 2 of these must be Java, Kotlin, C/C++, Python, JavaScript and etc. Knowledge and experience of back-end development, including data models, persistence layers, back-end services (REST APIs), app frameworks, caching and messaging services, as well as using 3rd party APIs will be a plus. Solid knowledge and working experience of Speech Assistant and related principles, certain algorithm basis, experience and corresponding knowledge of traditional machine learning, deep learning, intensive learning, information retrieval, and be familiar with popular framework such as TensorFlow to work on for research and prove of concept. Experience as a Speech App developer, NLP algorithm designer or developer, design and implement Speech engines or corresponding solutions, experience of in-car solution is a plus. Bachelors’ Degree or above in Computer Science or Software Engineering, and minimum 3 years’ experience developing on Android. On a personal level We are looking for a self-driven and highly motivated individual, who can work in international environment and build strong relationships with various internal and external stakeholders. Clear communication and transparency come naturally to you, as well as team work and strong collaboration. You are a strong motivator with result-oriented approach, focusing on quality and efficiency. Your interest for new technology drives you further to make a difference and develop yourself and others aligned with the future vehicle development and transforming automotive industry.


1927年,沃尔沃品牌成立于瑞典。如今,沃尔沃汽车是全球闻名的汽车品牌,业务遍及100多个国家。作为中国人拥有的豪华汽车品牌,沃尔沃汽车自2010年为中国浙江吉利控股集团并购后,已经从一家以瑞典为核心的品牌成长为真正的全球企业。 沃尔沃汽车总部位于瑞典哥德堡,在欧洲、美洲和亚太均形成了从设计、研发、制造生产到销售售后的全体系布局,全球员工约43,000人。 2010年至今,沃尔沃汽车在中国经历了翻天覆地的变化:从仅有销售职能发展成为集销售和营销、制造生产、采购、产品研发、设计和其他辅助功能为一体的全职能跨国公司。目前拥有位于成都、大庆、台州的三大汽车制造基地、以及位于上海的研发中心、设计中心和大中华区销售公司。在华员工也从2010年的188人增长为约9000人。在产品销量、销售网络、供应商体系等方面,沃尔沃汽车在中国也取得了跨越式发展,是沃尔沃汽车全球成长的核心引擎。 2014年起,中国市场已成为沃尔沃汽车全球最大单一市场。沃尔沃汽车也是首批向欧洲和美国市场出口中国制造豪华汽车的品牌之一。目前,沃尔沃汽车在中国市场销售纯电、插电混动等十余款车型。自2020年以来,沃尔沃汽车推出的所有全新车型均为纯电动汽车。 2021年,沃尔沃汽车在纳斯达克斯德哥尔摩交易所上市,交易代码为 “VOLCAR B” 。2023年,沃尔沃汽车全球销量708,716辆,营业收入达到 3,993亿瑞典克朗,营业利润 256 亿瑞典克朗。其中,大中华区销量达180,234辆。 秉持“唯爱与生命不可辜负——以个性化、可持续和安全的方式为所有人提供畅行无忧的出行方案”这个企业宗旨,沃尔沃汽车全面推进电气化转型。沃尔沃汽车的战略目标是,到2030年成为纯电豪华车企,并力求到2040年实现温室气体净零排放。 如果你想了解更多沃尔沃汽车的信息,可以在微信搜索并关注“沃尔沃汽车招聘”。


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