
中高级C#开发工程师-22050 20-25k
深圳 3-5年 统招本科
绩效奖金 公司规模大 管理规范 技能培训 带薪年假 团队聚餐 子女福利 节日礼物 定期体检 七险一金
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Responsibilities: 1. Develops code for software projects and designs and implements bug fixes 2. FDC deployment engineer is required to deploy FDC solution at customer site 3. Travel to customer site for software deployment, integration test and trainings 4. Performs software tests on code and enhancements 5. Writes software documentation 6. Troubleshoots software problems of limited difficulty 7. Interfaces with internal customers for requirements analysis Qualifications: 1. It is better to have MES or EAP or FDC or R2R experience in Semiconductor or Solar or LCD industry 2. Good technology knowledge in C++ or NET (C#) or Angular (TypeScript) development 3. Be familiar with Relational Database. Better to have working experience on Oracle 4. Good oral and written communication skills in English 5. Good problem solving and troubleshooting skills, detail oriented ability to work in a team and good learning skills


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  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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