
ESG Specialist 16-28k·13薪
斯洛伐克 3-5年 本科
Employment: Full Time An opportunity with a lithium-ion battery company. The main purpose of this role is to guarantee Gotion’ supply of raw materials at the best economic conditions under Social & Environmental responsibility (ESG), driving the transition to a Zero Carbon footprint in EMEA and global region. Main Activities: - Define the Raw Materials life cycle analysis strategy. - Define and lead the EMEA ESG strategy for all Raw Materials with internal relevant stakeholders (Business Development, technical, sourcing etc.). - Manage internal and external reporting requirements to ensure it accurately reflects the business’ working practices, is in line with regulatory, and meets stakeholders expectations. - Implement a set of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) metrics to measure, monitor and report progress. - Communicate and present performance data across the organization and to stakeholders, by commodity and region. - Actively promote and communicate ESG practices. - Engage the IT & Data management to define required processes to measure / drive ESG quotations. - Ensure the standards and policies outlined for suppliers, and the processes to ensure compliance, meet regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations. - Source ESG auditors to perform quotations and guarantee the quality of their deliverables by executing periodical on-site audits (both Supplier and/or potential future partner’s sites). Requirements: BA / BS degree in business, engineering, environmental science or equivalent (required). 3+ years of experience in ESG consulting/reporting related services or relevant automotive / battery industry. Familiarity with global and EMEA ESG standards, trends and regulations. Ability to create a roadmap and plan for substantial topics. Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skills. Highly organized and demonstrated ability as a strategic thinker. Ability to prioritize multiple projects, develop effective plans, coordinate change management, and see projects through to conclusion. Fluency in English is a must, Chinese, Slovak or French a plus You should be willing to travel >50% of the time within the EU region.


国轩高科-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载(以下简称“国轩高科”)系中国动力电池产业最早进入资本市场的民族企业,于2015年5月成功上市,股票代码002074,拥有新能源汽车动力电池、储能、输配电设备等业务板块,旗下包括合肥国轩高科动力能源-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载、工研总院、资本中心和东源电器四大板块。 合肥国轩高科动力能源-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载(以下简称“合肥国轩”)为国轩高科的全资子公司,成立于2006年5月,公司总部座落于合肥市新站高新区,拥有合肥、庐江、南京、苏州、青岛、唐山等多个生产基地。 公司系国内最早从事新能源汽车动力锂离子电池自主研发、生产和销售的企业之一,专业从事新型锂离子电池及其材料的研发、生产和经营,拥有核心技术知识产权。主要产品为磷酸铁锂材料及电芯、三元电芯、动力电池组、电池管理系统及储能型电池组。产品广泛应用于纯电动商用车、乘用车、物流车和混合动力汽车等新能源汽车领域,并与国内多家主要新能源整车企业建立了长期战略合作关系。 公司作为***企业技术中心、三项国家“863”重大课题承担单位,参与了三项新能源汽车创新工程,先后通过ISO9000等“三标一体”认证和TS16949质量体系认证,被评为国家CNAS认可检测中心等,并在中国合肥、中国上海、美国硅谷、美国克利夫兰、新加坡、日本筑波等地建立了全球研发中心。2016年,由国轩高科牵头的“高比能量动力锂离子电池的研发与集成应用”课题、“年产6亿安时锂离子动力电池生产基地项目”、以及“新能源汽车锂动力电池智能工厂”项目分别成功申报国家“十三五规划”新能源汽车重大专项、发改委2016年增强制造业核心竞争力专项和工信部新能源汽车锂动力电池智能工厂重点项目。 公司系国家火炬计划项目单位、高新技术企业、安徽省政府质量奖、安徽省环境保护创新试点单位,并且拥有***博士后科研工作站和省级院士工作站,2019年1月国轩高科企业商标被国家知识产权总局认定为中国***。


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