
迪卡侬品牌中心产品经理 - 篮球 薪资面议
上海-浦东新区 3-5年 统招本科
绩效奖金 带薪年假 扁平管理 定期体检 五险一金 团队聚餐 公司规模大 弹性工作
赵女士 1天前在线 已认证
招聘经理 · 迪卡侬中国
We are looking for a Basketball lover, who shows… - Deep insights on North Asia Basketball sports market and product knowledge. - A user-centric mindset with concrete and pragmatic sense. - Good communication skills in Chinese & English, ability to exchange with various partners with different stakes. - Functional management and project management skills. - A previous experience as Product Manager in sports goods domain is prefered, especially footwear and apparel products. Responsibilities: 1. Identify and formalize user needs of my scope - Observe the market and make the key competitors mapping - Observe,interviewer and identify the needs expected by users in their sportive experience - Formalize the user segmentation of my sport perimeter - Identify the innovation axes of my sport 2. Co-build an omnichannel offer,which is available and sustainable, satisfy the sports experience - Define and communicate the strategic orientations of my offer - Translate the strategic orientations into target offer and the offer trajectory - Co build the economic feasibility of my trajectory and allocate the resources necessary - Measure my offer performance and react for the result (qualitative and quantitative) - Communicate my offer to other colleagues concern (CD,basecamp…) 3. Co-develop the exclusive products promoting the sport experience - Build product brief for each local project with my project group - I co develop the product with my project group - I lead and validate the use test with my PE and test engineer for the new product - Brief and co write and validate each product story and accurate product information Main KPI: - Turnover Growth - Customers Reviews - Offer efficiency - Product CO2 impact rate - Return per Million rate


迪卡侬是一家集运动用品研发、设计、品牌、生产、物流及销售为一体的全产业链集团公司。集团由Michel LECLERCQ先生于1976年在法国创立,截止于2020年1月,已于全球6大洲开设1623家门店,团队人数超9万名,服务61个国家和地区的顾客。 ​集团拥有法国领先的产品设计和研发中心,每年推出3000种以上新产品,自有品牌数量超过30个,产品覆盖山地运动、水上运动、自行车轮滑滑板运动、球拍类和高尔夫运动、健身运动、自然运动和团队运动等几乎所有大众运动。商场内自有品牌产品占比超过85%。集团生产线遍布全球21个国家或地区,其中超过40%的产品来自于中国。 迪卡侬于1989年进入中国开始进行采购和生产运动产品的业务往来。至今公司已经在全国建立4个自有工厂,10个工业采购办公室,39个工业驻场办公室。 2003年,集团确立把在中国发展运动用品零售业务作为集团未来十年的首要战略,并将其亚洲区办公室(包括生产和零售)从香港迁来上海。迪卡侬第一家概念商场于2003年11月在上海浦东新区正式开业。截至2020年1月,迪卡侬在中国拥有308家商场实体店,遍布全国约116个城市(含港澳台地区)。集团2009年起步的电子商务业务发展迅速顾客覆盖约400个城市。 迪卡侬是中国“全民运动”的响应者及实践人,拥有雄伟的在华长期持续拓展计划。迪卡侬的企业文化独具一帜,公司招聘活力、有责任感的体育运动爱好者,人性化管理使得员工的职业生涯可以与公司共同成长,并深受广大员工的认同。公司具有国际化的氛围,国际团队共同工作,员工有更多机会在国际间交流。迪卡侬亦是优秀的企业社会公民,积极为环境保护、可持续发展的探索和发展做贡献,致力于可持续地让大众同享运动欢益。


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