
助理/秘书/文员 4-7k·13薪
广州 1-3年 本科
武女士 一周前在线 已认证
人事经理 · 纬英科技
  • 企业文化管理
  • 办公用品管理
  • 行政前台/接待
  • 企业文化
岗位职责: 处理行政日常事务,包括前台接待; 办公用品的采购和日常维护; 负责团建或公司活动的组织; 其他公司日常事务。 任职要求: 形象气质佳,英语好优先; 认真负责,吃苦耐劳; 具有相关经验优先; 具有良好的沟通技巧和人际交往能力。


Introduction to Vian Vian Education: an elite educational solution provider. We believe in the correct matching makes a better career. To help students choosing their best fitted educational institutions and courses is our aspiration. We are a research-based team formed of statisticians, educational academia and professionals in multiple disciplines from world leading universities, always using the utmost power and knowledge to develop and improve the “best-fitted” methodology.   Introduction to products -Online support Vian provides professional support for students in UK. Through the online support system, students can make the most of our all-rounded services from academic support to daily life help and advisories. -Educational advisory Vian provides professional advices based on our methodology, for students aiming for the most selective educational institutions. -Academic and Career Experience Vian is proud of our Academic and Career Experience programme. Through private talks with notable people from all disciplines, opportunity to experience the lives in the most selective institutions, students can develop a foundation thought towards their future career.   As for the rules: Rule No.1: no rules. As a team formed of people from all culture and academic background, you are encouraged to bring in your own styles, thoughts and even working patterns.   We call ourselves Vianers, nick name of winners. We are thirsty for creative minds and reject all kinds of stiffness. We love to be creative so we can position ourselves as a leader in the industry. We love to be productive since we do not want to miss any concert, party etc. We love to be responsible since it makes our working environment feel like a family. We love to be brave since it is an essential condition for being productive.(Seems we formed a loop) So, if you are brave enough, join us.   Job Opportunity -Marketing Manager -Event Planning Specialist -Media Operation Specialist


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