
产品设计开发高级科学家(肿瘤免疫) 薪资面议
南京-江宁区 经验不限 博士
年终奖金 五险一金 交通补助 免费班车 提供住宿 餐费补贴 发展空间大 岗位晋升 带薪年假 节日礼物
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Responsibilities: • The candidate will develop innovative therapeutic approaches for adoptive immunotherapy of tumors by implementing inventive strategies integrated in the CAR-T cell platforms. • Work as part of the research team at Legend to develop next generation CAR-T cell therapies to address hematological and solid tumor indications. • Contribute both intellectually and experimentally to internal projects from inception through preclinical and clinical development. • Independently design, analyze and execute in vitro and in vivo experiments. • Lead from the lab to advance novel and differentiated cell therapy products toward clinical milestones, by working collaboratively with internal cross-functional teams and external partners. • Communicate results clearly and concisely at internal and external meetings to contribute to daily advancement and strategic decisions. • Present results at international conferences to foster the company's visibility. • Foster cross-functional collaborations both internally and externally. • Proactively propose and assess innovative CAR T-cell based immunotherapeutic strategies to develop the company's intellectual property. Qualifications: • PhD in immunology/cell and/or molecular biology with strong interest in oncology, excellent skills in tumor immunology; industry experience is a plus • He/she has an outstanding track record, demonstrated by peer-reviewed scientific publications and excellent communication skills • Strong attention to details and ability to generate high quality data within timelines to meet goals • Strong scientific creativity and analytical thinking skills • Excellent written/oral communication skills • Excellent troubleshooting and multi-tasking skills, attention to detail • A positive and professional team member with forward-looking attitude and is flexible and accountable • Comfortable operating in a fast-paced environment and able to multi-task and adjust workload based upon changing priorities • Be a team player, participate in collaborative, cross-functional projects while being adept in working efficiently as an individual • Strong background in human T-cell biology, immuno-oncology and a good knowledge of cell modification technologies (transfections/viral transductions) • Experience in cell-based and immunological assays including immune cell isolation and in vitro culture techniques, multicolor flow cytometry, immune cell and cytokine profiling assays using conventional and next-generation analytical methods


传奇生物(NASDAQ: LEGN)是一家处于临床阶段的全球生物制药公司,成立于2014年,并于美国时间2020年6月5日在纳斯达克挂牌上市。 传奇生物专注于肿瘤和其他领域的新型细胞疗法的开发。目前在全球免疫细胞疗法领域排名靠前,和合作伙伴Janssen将产品LCAR-B38M细胞制剂已推进至在美国、欧洲药品上市审评阶段,有望解决多发性骨髓瘤治疗的难题。与此同时,传奇生物还有多款在研CAR-T疗法,用于血液瘤、实体瘤及其它疑难疾病的治疗。 目前,传奇生物在美国、中国和欧洲已拥有1000余名员工,以差异化技术、全球化研发网络和专业的生产策略为有力支撑,为患者提供发现、开发和制造可信任的细胞疗法创造了可能。公司已入选江苏省战略性新兴产业发展专项资金项目,江苏省精准细胞免疫治疗工程技术研究中心,荣获江苏省科技进步奖、“中国生物医药产业链创新风云榜”并获“鲲鹏奖”,入选“2020中国独角兽”、“中国医药创新企业100强”。


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