
Powertrain EE and Mechatronic Engineer/ 动力系统电子电器与机电工程师 薪资面议
北京-怀柔区 3-5年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 节日礼物 定期体检 管理规范 技能培训 弹性工作
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人力资源伙伴(HRBP) · 戴姆勒卡车中国
  • SystemVerilog
Introduction: We are (e)Powertrain @ Daimler Truck in China. Our teams focus all Daimler Truck Powertrain activities in China, no matter if we focus internal or external projects and no matter which Powertrain technology we use. We take responsibility for project activities, operational customer support wherever help is needed, no matter which Daimler Truck Powertrain is used in which vehicle. This demands a broad way of knowledge, a broad way of thinking, but at the same time gives a very unique and diverse field of action in System Technology & Mechatronic understanding. We leverage our worldwide Engineering network, primarily we highly interact with Germany on a daily basis. For series production we are called by production plants in China, e.g., to step in if needed for COP testing, end of line vehicle testing, In-Service-Compliance testing by authorities or for Remote OBD testing when required. Our strengths are today among others certification testing, regulation know-how, problem solving, internal combustion Engines & Powertrains, we are increasing our know-how on electric Powertrains, with and without Hydrogen. We are located near Beijing and have direct access to test benches in the same building complex. Our project responsible have direct access to the plant and ongoing project work-packages. Be welcome in a highly challenging task and VUCA environment. The fuel E/E and Mechatronics Engineer's task involves E/E infrastructure understanding as well as detailed knowledge about actuators and sensors. Verification testing on component and vehicle level will be an integral part of the position. This includes to understand relevant homologation testing requirements by authorities. Therefore, Chinese legislation needs to be understood and if necessary, clarified with experts on site in China. This is major input for Engineering Headquarter on relevant base development. Job Description: - Integration and Mechatronics of conventional and electric Powertrains - Optimization of the engine and exhaust aftertreatment system in terms of OBD, sensor and actuator as well as CAN infrastructure reliability - Independent planning and execution of testing on the test bench and in the vehicle. Evaluation and documentation of measurement data and results - Support E/E and Mechatronics related for H6 trucks in engineering, production, quality management and aftersales - Calibration and validation of control functions (stationary and transient) on the test bench and in the vehicle. Support summer and winter vehicle testing - Create E/E hardware testing table according to E/E architecture of the system. Testing equipment management - Support development contracts awarded to third-party companies regarding E/E and mechatronics integration - Reporting and communication about findings and necessary improvements with management and customer Qualification - B-Tech or master’s degree in science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) - Well-founded general knowledge about trucks, engines and aftertreatment system (ATS) technology Specific Knowledge - Detailed knowledge of commercial vehicles and work machineries - OBD functionality and logics know - Detailed test planning and execution on engine test benches, chassis dynos and in vehicles - Detailed knowledge of CAN communication and E/E infrastructure - Usage of CAN communication tools (CANape, CANoe, etc.) - Usage of Diagnostic tools (MONACO, DIAGNOSTIC LINK and data post processing tools (CONCERTO, UNIPLOT, DIADEM etc.) Basic Knowledge - Truck technology and Truck application know how - (e)Powertrain know how - Chassis dynos (functionality, commissioning, automatisation, etc.) - Test benches (functionality, commissioning, automatisation, etc.) - CAN communication and E/E infrastructure - Usage of ECU application tools (MARC; INCA etc.), Very good English language skills in speaking, reading and writing to support exchange with Engineers worldwide. Soft skills such as flexibility in working with intercultural teams, open mind, team spirit and communication skills.


戴姆勒卡车是全球商用车制造商之一,在全球范围内拥有超过40个主要运营点,员工总数超过10万名。公司旗下七大商用车品牌组成了戴姆勒卡车强大的品牌阵容:梅赛德斯-奔驰(轻、中、重型卡车,城市、城际及旅游客车)、赛特拉(城际、长途及豪华客车),福莱纳(应用领域广泛的中、重型卡车)、西星(承担专门运输任务及长途运输的重型卡车)、托马斯客车(轻型、中型公交车)、巴拉特奔驰(总部位于印度,主营中、重型卡客车)、扶桑(总部位于日本的卡客车品牌)。得益于此,戴姆勒卡车能够为全球运输行业客户提供全面的卡客车产品与解决方案。 125年前,戴姆勒发明的第一辆卡车为现代运输行业奠定了坚实基础。此后,戴姆勒卡客车业务单元始终以其在车辆安全、效率及驾乘舒适性方面的标准,支持所有以运输助力社会运转的客户。如今,戴姆勒卡车迎来向零排放、自动驾驶和智能互联进化的新阶段,致力于推动这些重要技术在旗下各个品牌、业务单元及市场的规模化生产,并以此向实现碳中和运输及无事故驾驶的远景更近一步,为全球客货运输的可持续发展贡献己力。2020年,公司总销量为37.85万辆. 戴姆勒(中国)商用车投资-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载于2019年在北京成立,负责戴姆勒卡客车业务在中国的运营。携手相互信赖的本土合作伙伴,戴姆勒(中国)商用车投资-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载致力于将其全球商用车技术和经验带到中国市场,持续为中国客户创造价值。 戴姆勒卡客车(中国)-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载是戴姆勒卡车集团在中国的全资子公司,负责戴姆勒卡车旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰高端进口卡车、客车及动力总成的相关业务。多年来,梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车在中国进口卡车市场,涉及建筑、市政、油田、通讯、物流、应急救援等多个领域,始终占据重要的市场份额。“不负众托”既是梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车的品牌承诺,也是梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车每个员工的承诺,承诺为客户提供出色可靠的卡车产品和优质服务。


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