
企业文化培训专员 20-25k·14薪
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人才招募与发展 · 康师傅控股
  • 培训开发与实施
  • 企业文化
  • 教育培训
  • 人力资源经验
工作执掌 1. 完善文化建设学习体系,包括课程/教材/讲师/考核等 2. 协同其他部门规划并落实不同层级主管文建学习及培训 3. 建立并培养文化建设讲师队伍 4. 检核事业及前线公司供应链不同层级文化建设培训 任职要求 经验:具备人力发展经验优先 学历:硕士以上,海外留学背景优先,人力资源专业优先;英语口语流利 特质:性格开朗、沟通协调能力强、热情投入,较好包容性,高责任心与抗压力,追求变革创新;具备优秀的思维能力和执行力,高效达成目标。


康师傅控股-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载(「本公司」)及其附属公司(「本集团」)主要在中国从事生产和销售方便面、饮品及方便食品。本集团于1992年开始生产方便面,并自1996年起扩大业务至方便食品及饮品;2012年3月,本集团进一步拓展饮料业务范围,完成与PepsiCo中国饮料业务之战略联盟,开始独家负责制造、灌装、包装、销售及分销PepsiCo于中国的非酒精饮料。目前本集团的三大品项产品,皆已在中国食品市场占有显著的市场地位。据AC Nielsen 2013年12月零售市场研究报告的调查结果显示,以销售量为基准,在2013年1月-12月本集团于方便面、即饮茶、包装水、整体果汁及蛋卷的市场占有率分别为44.1%、51.8%、23.6%、25.9%及19.8%,稳居市场领导地位;据Canadean 2013年12月数据显示,百事碳酸饮料2013年销售量市占以31.8%居市场第二位。「康师傅」作为中国家喻户晓的品牌,经过多年的耕耘与积累,深受中国消费者喜爱和支持。 本集团不断完善遍布全国各地的销售网络,令新产品更加快速、有效地登陆市场,使得集团产品处于行业领先地位。截至2013年12月底,本集团共拥有566个营业所及75个仓库以服务33,504家经销商及110,355家直营零售商。 2013年康师傅连续六年获得福布斯亚洲50强称号,康师傅品牌亦荣获英国Interbrand评审的「台湾国际品牌价值调查」第二名,品牌价值高达14.98亿美元,这已是康师傅连续11年于此调查获得前五名。2014年3月「最佳品牌」揭晓中国最具影响力品牌,康师傅获德国品牌协会颁发「最佳产品品牌」及「最佳食品与饮料品牌」两项奖项,该活动旨在推广成功且具创新性的品牌管理。这些荣誉的获得,除对康师傅品牌力及竞争力的肯定外,更激励我们不断努力致力于为消费者提供更丰富美味及安心的产品。 我们秉承「取之于民,用之于民,回馈社会,永续经营」之道,以不同的方式去帮助社会上有需要的人,如助学,抗洪,扶贫,环保,支持体育活动等,让企业及社会同步健康发展。2013年我们持续投放资源以履行企业社会责任。我们积极响应「从农田到餐桌」全程质量控制的理念,恪守消费者食品安全原则;我们于精进生产效能的同时,亦不断贯彻节能减排的工作;我们继续启动「世界名校奖学金计划」,以支持两岸优秀学生继续深造;举办「康师傅创新挑战赛」,让更多具备创新特质的青年可取得到大学进修的机会。 「民以食为天,食以安为先」,食品安全已经成为关乎国计民生的头等大事。康师傅作为方便面行业的领头羊,围绕「一个核心,六个放心」运作,以食品安全为核心,透过对供货商的监督管理,原物料质量与安全的保障,生产环节关键控制点监控,严格的成品检验管理机制,优化流通领域的管理以及质量体系的监督审查,以确保产品质量与安全,建立MIS管理信息系统,构建质量信息在线共享平台;运用六西格玛管理,精进产品质量;启动追溯系统信息化建设,提升产品追溯能力;持续推动食品防护管理机制,降低食品安全意外风险,优化经销商仓库质量管理,提升通路仓库质量;推动供货商ISO22000食品安全管理体系认证,加强供货商食品安全管理。食品安全是关系身体健康和生命安全的大事,康师傅将不断致力于产品质量与安全,为广大消费者提供安全、美味、健康的食品。 本公司于1996年2月在香港联合交易所-kaiyunI体育官网网页登录入口-ios/安卓/手机版app下载上市。于2013年12月31日,本公司之市值为162亿美元。现时本公司已被纳入英国富时指数中亚太区(除日本外)的成分股、摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)香港成分股指数及恒生指数蓝筹股行列。自2008年起,康师傅控股因其稳健的财务记录及出色的管理和创业技能,已经连续6年被福布斯评为「亚洲50强」上市公司。 今后,本集团仍将发展焦点集中于食品制造、营销及流通行业,并继续强化通路与销售系统网络,以建立「全球最大中式方便食品及饮品集团」为奋斗目标。 Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. (the “Company”), and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) specialise in the production and distribution of instant noodles, beverages and instant food products in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”). The Group started its instant noodle business in 1992, and expanded into the instant food business and beverage business in 1996. In March 2012, the Group further expanded its beverage business, the strategic alliance between the Company and PepsiCo in the beverage business in the PRC was established. The Company is exclusively manufacture, bottle, package, distribute and sell PepsiCo non-alcoholic drinks in the PRC. The Group’s three main business segments have established leading market shares in the PRC’s food industry. According to ACNielsen SCAN TRACK EXPRESS, based on sales volume, year-to-date December 2013, the Group was the market leader in instant noodles, ready-to-drink teas, bottled water, overall juice and egg rolls, gained 44.1%, 51.8%, 23.6%, 25.9% and 19.8% market shares respectively. According to Canadean December 2013 data, based on sales volume, Pepsi carbonated drinks gained 31.8% market share and held a second position. After years of hard work and accumulation, “Master Kong” has become one of the best known brands among consumers in the PRC. The Group distributed its products throughout the PRC through its extensive sales network consisting of 566 sales offices and 75 warehouses serving 33,504 wholesalers and 110,355 direct retailers as of 31 December 2013. This extensive sales network is a significant contributor to the Group’s leading market position and it enables the Group to introduce new products rapidly and effectively. 2013, Master Kong, for the sixth consecutive years was named one of the 50 best listed companies in Asia by Forbes, and for the eleventh consecutive years one of the top five of “Taiwan’s top ten international brands” by InterBrand UK and ranked No.2 in the year. The brand value of Master Kong has reached US$1,498 million. In March 2014, “best brands” uncovered the most powerful and successful brands in China, Master Kong received the “Best Product Brand Award” and the “Best Food & Beverage Brand Award” from The German Brands Association. The ranking is aiming to promote successful and innovative brand management. By obtaining these honors, the brand power and competitiveness of Master Kong were recognized, what’s more, we are encouraged to constantly endeavor, trying to provide consumers with more varieties of delicious and safe products. Master Kong adheres to the philosophy of “from the people, to the people, giving back to the society, sustainable operation”. We use different ways to help the people in need, such as sponsoring education, fighting floods, relieving earthquakes, relieving poverty, environmental protection and supporting sports activities. In 2013, we continued to allocate resources to take our corporate social responsibility to enable the concurrent healthy development of the enterprise and the society. We actively supported the concept of total quality control“from farm to table”and strictly abided by the consumer food safety principles. While improving production efficiency, we also continuously implemented energy saving and emission reduction. We continued to initiate the world elite universities scholarship program to support outstanding students across the Strait to further their studies and held “Master Kong Creative Challenges” to allow more young people with an innovative quality have the opportunity to go to university to further their studies. “Food is No. 1 need and food safety is the first consideration”. Food safety has become the top priority related to people’s livelihood. Being a leader in the instant noodle industry, Master Kong operates by focusing on “one core, six assurances” with food safety as the core. Product quality and safety are ensured through the supervision and management of suppliers, the guarantee of raw material quality and safety, the monitoring of key control points during the production stage, a stringent mechanism for the examination and management of finished products, the optimization of management in the circulation field and the supervision and review of the quality system. We have established the MIS execution information system to construct online shared platforms for quality information; made use of Six Sigma Management to improve product quality; initiated the informationization of the tracking system to increase product tracking capability; continuously promoted the food protection and management mechanism to reduce food safety accident risks, optimize quality management for warehouses of distributors and improve the quality of network warehouses; facilitated ISO22000 food safety and management system certification for suppliers to strengthen food safety management for suppliers. The Company was listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in February 1996. Market capitalisation as at 31 December 2013 was US$16.2 billion. The Company is a constituent stock of British’s FTSE All-World Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Index, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Hong Kong Index and a component stock of Hong Kong‘s benchmark Hang Seng Index. For six consecutive years from 2008 to 2013, Tingyi was named one of the 50 best listed companies in Asia by Forbes for its solid financial track record and excellent management and entrepreneurial skills. Focused on food manufacture, sales and circulation business, the Group will continue to strengthen its logistics and sales network in the PRC with target of becoming “The biggest Group for Chinese Instant Food & Beverage in the World”.


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